Red Rose



Red Rose - Iran Medical Herb Exporter

Red Rose

Red Roses (in Persian گل رز )

Red Roses are used in cooking as a flavouring ingredient or spice. It appears as one of the ingredients in the Moroccan spice mixture known as ras el hanout. Rose water and powdered roses are used in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking. Rose water is often sprinkled on many meat dishes, while rose powder is added to sauces. The most popular use, however, is un the flavoring of deserts such as ice cream,  jam, Turkish delights, rice pudding, yogurt and etc. Chicken with rose is a popular dish in Persian cuisine. Western cookery today does not make much use of rose or rose water. However it was a popular ingredient in ancient times and continued to be popular well into the Renaissance. In the west, it was most commonly used in deserts. Many traditional deserts in Europe, however, still make use of roses, such as Marzipan or Turron.

Iran Medical Herb Exports Iran Pink roses to all around the world, for ordering Iranian pink roses please visit our Order page.

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