About us
About Farzin group companies :
Affiliated with: Farzin Rock Stone Co.
Trade name: Iran Date exporter (IDE)
Established: 1992 by Anahita
Ownership: Private
Total number of employee in head office: 10 members
project manager & member of the board: Mr. Poorya
Processing & Exporting of all kind of Medical Herb:
Iran head office
Unit#E,2nd Floor No.55, Allameh Tower, North Allameh St, East Sarv St.kaj Square,Saadat-Abad Ave,Tehran, Iran.
Post code: 1997855449
Telephone: (+9821) – 22365723 – 22365724
Cell: (+98)912- 1060086
Fax: (+9821) – 22067030
E-Mail: info@iranmedicalherb.com
Web site: http://www.iranmedicalherb.com
Australia Sydney office
Australia office : Mr. Martine
Address: Unit 5/745 the Horsley ,Dr. Smithfield NSW 2164 Sydney , Australia.
Email: Info@australiadriedfruit.com
Canadian Agent

Name: Mahdi Roghanizad
Address: Apt. 207, 24 Brybeck Cr. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M2C7.
Cell: +1-519-781-3541
Bank information:
Beneficiary’s Bank: Export Development bank of Iran; Central Br; Code 1301
Swift Code: Edbiirthcen
In favor of: Farzin Rock Stone Trade Co.
A/C or ID No:IR49 0200 0000 0010 0009 0450 02
Beneficiary: Farzin Rock Stone Trade Co.